Friday, August 31, 2012

French Toast, Ham Rolls & Egg Whites

French Toast:
2 eggs
3 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat eggs. Mix other ingredients thoroughly.  Spray griddle with non-stick spray.  Cook on medium heat (350) until edges turn brown.  Turn once.  Serve with warm syrup, powdered sugar, bananas, jam or what ever you like.

Ham Rolls:
Grill thin sliced ham on medium (350). Roll.

Egg Whites:
Separate 3 egg whites from the yoke.  Spray griddle with non-stick spray.  Cook 1-2 minutes on medium low heat (250) scraping from the bottom to prevent burning.  Eggs will be firm when done.

Served with cantaloupe. 

Good Eats!

Pork Tofu Stir-Fry & Ham Fried Rice


Pork Tofu Stir-Fry:
12 oz pork loin (thin sliced)
1/2 large Walla-Walla onion
2 medium zucchinis
1 large yellow crookneck squash                          
1 Anaheim pepper (seeds removed chopped fine)
8 oz chopped mushrooms
1 package firm tofu (cubed)                                                                        
1 package yakisoba stir-fry noodles
1 clove garlic (minced)
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste

Cut pork and chop vegetables into pieces. (I halved and sliced mine to cook on the griddle and cut after.)  Cook pork in olive oil with the garlic, Anaheim, salt and pepper on medium heat.  When pork is about half way cooked add the squash.  As the pork and vegetables finish add noodles, tofu, mushrooms, soy and sesame oil.  Gently stir mixture and cook until heated through. 

Note:  If you look carefully you won't see any tofu in the plated picture.  That's because it was still in the refrigerator when I finished the dish.  Oops!  I just grilled it and ate it separately from the stir-fry.  It is delicious just grilled!  Cooking is all about how YOU want it to be done.  It's fun to have the flexibility.

As a second note: I usually cook mushrooms separately in a tablespoon of butter.  I find it adds a nice flavor to all the vegetables plus the mushrooms turn our firmer and not overcooked.

Ham Fried Rice:
I substituted ham for the bacon on a previous post. I'll re-post it here:
3-4 cups cooked white rice
1/2 lb of bacon
1 medium onion
6 oz mushrooms
4 eggs
3-4 tablespoons soy sauce

All the fried rice ingredients are cooked individually then "assembled" at the end.
Cook bacon until crispy and set aside.
Cook onion in a tablespoon of olive oil or you can use some of the bacon grease for flavor and set aside.
Heat rice (medium low) until warm in a pan with a tablespoon of water if rice is cold.
While rice is warming cook mushrooms in a tablespoon of butter and set aside.
Scramble the eggs and when finished combine with rice in pan.  Add bacon, mushrooms and onions to the rice.  Add soy sauce to mixture (to taste and color).  Try to keep the soy sauce out of the bottom of the pan where it will burn.  Increase heat to medium and cook mixture for a couple of minutes.  Serve warm.

Good Eats!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Blueberry Pancakes


One of the best things about making good stuff to eat is sharing with friends.  This morning we had blueberry pancakes, grilled ham steaks, grilled pineapple and eggs. What a great way to start the day!

I have been making pancakes from scratch for years.  I got this new recipe about six months ago and it is the best one I've ever come across. Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside!

Blueberry Pancakes:
(recipe courtesy of Roth Concept Center, Salt Lake City)

1 1/4 cups flour
1/3 cup instant cream of wheat
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 cups buttermilk
1 egg
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 cup blueberries

Mix all the dry ingredients.  Add liquids and gently mix until blended.  Batter may contain lumps.  Do not over mix or beat.  Over mixing will produce tough pancakes.  Fold blueberries into batter.  Cook on medium (350).

other pancake options:
Chocolate chips (kids favorite)

Grilled Ham Steaks: (Costco ham steaks)
Grill on medium (350) until brown and heated through. Cut into 8 pieces.

Grilled Fresh Pineapple:
Peel and slice into rings. Grill as above.

Good Eats!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

BBQ Chicken & Vegetables

Chicken and Veges on the grill.

I use this basket regularly on the grill (Lowe's for about $10).  You can do all kinds of things in it that would fall through the grates. 


Add your favorite seasonal fruit to compliment  the vegetables. To the right  are cantaloupe  wedges, sweet and delicious!

Grilled Vegetables:
1 large Walla Walla onion cut in rings (can use any onion)
3 cloves garlic (minced)
1 medium large yam
4 small red potatoes
1 Anaheim pepper ( you can use any variety of peppers spicy or not to taste)
1 medium zucchini
1 medium crook neck yellow squash
8 oz mushrooms

Precook the yams and potatoes for about 5 minutes in the microwave (they should begin to get soft).  After they are precooked add all vegetables to a bowl and add 1/4 cup of olive oil, rosemary, basil, thyme, and any other spices you like to use.  Mix vegetables so all are coated well.

Preheat grill to medium high.  Dump mixture into basket.  (Careful! grill will flame because of the oil.) Turn grill down to medium low.  Cook 20-25 minutes. Mix every 5 minutes or so to get veges off the bottom.  Potatoes will be the last to finish.  Add additional olive oil while cooking if mixture dries out too much.  If needed drizzle it on and mix.

BBQ Chicken:
Marinate chicken breasts for one hour (refrigerated) in your favorite BBQ sauce (I used Kraft Original BBQ Sauce).  You can add Tabasco, wine, hot sauce or what ever you want.

Turn grill to high and let it preheat.  Mine gets to about 500 degrees.  Put the chicken on (breast side down to get the great grill marks) and turn down grill to low.  (I turn off the burner below the meat.)  Maintain grill at about 350 degrees.  Cook low and slow to prevent the sugars in the sauce from burning.

Good Eats!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

BBQ Hamburgers & Fried Rice

BBQ hamburgers, fried rice, corn-on-the-cob and pomegranatinis. 

2.5 lbs of hamburger (use higher fat for grilling)
3 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 large onion (Walla Walla, white or yellow) (minced)
2 slices of bread (cubed)
2 eggs
salt and pepper
8 oz of mushrooms (chopped) *** Secret ingredient for juicy burgers! ***

Combine all ingredients together thoroughly (with bare hands - fun part) and form into patties.
Makes 8-10 burgers depending on size. (I like them a little larger and thicker for juicer results). 

Fried Rice:
3-4 cups cooked white rice
1/2 lb of bacon
1 medium onion
6 oz mushrooms
4 eggs
3-4 tablespoons soy sauce

All the fried rice ingredients are cooked individually then "assembled" at the end.
Cook bacon until crispy and set aside.
Cook onion in a tablespoon of olive oil or you can use some of the bacon grease for flavor and set aside.
Heat rice (medium low) until warm in a pan with a tablespoon of water if rice is cold.
While rice is warming cook mushrooms in a tablespoon of butter and set aside.
Scramble the eggs and when finished combine with rice in pan.  Add bacon, mushrooms and onions to the rice.  Add soy sauce to mixture (to taste and color).  Try to keep the soy sauce out of the bottom of the pan where it will burn.  Increase heat to medium and cook mixture for a couple of minutes.  Serve warm.

Shuck the corn and boil in water. 
Bring pot to a rolling boil, add corn, when pot returns to boil corn is done (3-4 minutes).

For cooking on the BBQ, open the husks, remove the silk, close the husk and place directly on grill with indirect medium heat for about 10 minutes turning every 2 minutes.

This is a simple, fun summer time favorite!

Good Eats!!



Welcome to my new blog!

On my blog you will find good things to eat.  Most items will be very simple.  I love to experiment with different things.  I encourage you to have fun, try new things and you may be surprised with your success.  After all, all recipes in the beginning were an experiment.  The idea is to post a picture, give a description and a recipe. If you have a different idea or another recipe drop me a line. I'm always up for trying new things.

I am fortunate to have a nice piece of equipment to cook on.   I do most of the cooking on the 24" griddle (it's convenient, temperature controlled and a nice large space).  Pots and pans work just as well.

Thanks for reading, enjoy and Good Eats!